Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wet N Wild - I Heart Matte

The wait is finally over! Wet N Wild's much anticipated matte 8-pan palette has landed! I'm not sure whether this will eventually join the three, permanent 8-pan palettes but there was only one at my local Walgreens and it was cracked:

It was still sealed though so I got it anyway. There was no room to consider - there was a girl eyeing the display in front of me and I basically reached around her to snatch the last matte palette. I will try to fix it later with alcohol. Hype aside though, this palette could be better. As suspected, most of the shades exist in other palettes:

The white and green are from the Pride palette. I thought the blue would be similar to the one in Fly Me to the Moon, but FMttM was a bit darker and has a slight sheen. The browbone and crease shades on the right side are from the Vanity palette. The right eyelid shade looks similar to the one in Vanity but it's more peachy and a bit less brown. I can't find the purple in any of the palettes I own but it looks like the one in Dancing in the Clouds - from the Dreamweavers collection which I failed to track down.

So it's not super fantastic. On top of the dupes, I wish they didn't waste two of the pans for a matte white and a matte black.